Chen Lab @ Harvard

Kaifu Chen, PhD

Principal Investigator

Kaifu is currently an Associate Professor in the Pediatrics Department of Harvard Medical School and the Director of Computational Biology Program in the Cardiology Department of Boston Children’s Hospital. He is also a faculty of the PhD Program in Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics at Harvard Medical School, a member of the Epigenomics Program in the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, a member of the Prostate Cancer Program in the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, and a member of the Quantitative Genomics Program in the Harvard Public Health School.

Kaifu received undergraduate training in Biophysics at the Nankai University. He then received his Ph.D. training in Genomics (Bioinformatics) in the lab of Dr. Jun Yu (于军) at the Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He performed Bioinformatics research at his postdoctoral stage in the lab of Dr. Wei Li (李蔚) at the Baylor College of medicine (The Li Lab is now at UC Irvine). He founded the Chen lab as an Assistant Professor of Weill Cornell Medical College at Houston Methodist Hospital. Thereafter, he became an Associate Professor there and founded their Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology as the Director.