Chen Lab @ Harvard

Software and Database

MEBOCOST (BioRxiv, 2022): A computational technology to enable detection of cell-cell communications mediated by metabolites and their sensor proteins (receptor, transporter, etc) based on single-cell RNA-Seq data.

StripeDiff (Science Advances, 2022): A statistical method and software to identify differential stripes between two Hi-C samples.

MACMIC (Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 2021): A statistical method to define epigenomic features that have maximal co-localization but minimal correlation across the genome.

TADsplimer (Genome Biology, 2020): A bioinformatic toolkit to identify TAD splits and mergers between Hi-C samples.

CEFCIG at GitHub or GoogleSite(Nature Communications, 2020): A Computational Epigenetic Framework for Cell Identity Gene discovery.

CAGRE (Science, 2019): A bioinformatic tool for Commulative Analysis of Genomic Region Enrichment.

FAID (Nature, 2018): A bioinformatic tool for Feature Analysis of Inserted DNA in a genome.

DANPOS2 (Nature Genetics, 2015): a set of 8 bioinformatics tools, including:

DANPOS (Genome Research, 2013): A tool for Dynamic Analysis of Nucleosome and Protein Occupancy by Sequencing

SpikeSCN (Genes & Development, 2013): Genome structure and copy number variation analysis based on genome sequencing with spike-in control.

BarVar (Cell reports, 2013): A bioinformatics pipeline to screen for drug-resistant genetic variations from barcode sequencing data.

NucHMM (GPB, 2010): A Hidden Markov Model for nucleosome positioning prediction based on DNA sequence feature.

GenomePSD (Nucleic acids research, 2008): A Power Spectrum Density analysis tool for genome sequence.